+1 (251) 366-5355:



keith thomson:

         Your pictures are a lot nicer than mine!

+1 (251) 366-5355:

         No way

         So what brought you to a dating site? I mean, you seem different.

keith thomson:

         I always thought that, on dating sites, you could accomplish in 20 minutes what you could in months of pre-internet dating, i.e. like the last time I was single. How about you?

+1 (251) 366-5355:

         Well, I was bored one night and thought I’d try it. My Uncle met his girlfriend on Match and suggested it. Your right though, it weeds out the weirdos.

         They’re a lot of them on there

keith thomson:

         You come across any good ones?

+1 (251) 366-5355:

         Explain more

         Good good or weirdos

keith thomson:

         Any good weirdos, as in entertaining?

         Entertaining to me, that is

+1 (251) 366-5355:

         Well, I’ve experienced things I’ve only heard about! Lol

keith thomson:

         Guys who promised you the moon and the stars and turned out they mean the moon and the stars in Campbell’s Moon ’n Stars soup?

+1 (251) 366-5355:

         I’m no prude, but I don’t share nude pics and want to have phone sex all the time

         I’ve had a few big talkers but I don’t go out with them. One wasn’t a Christian

keith thomson:

         Are there guys who want phone sex? I thought that was 20th Century. Aren’t there apps that can do that now?

+1 (251) 366-5355:

         Are you a Christian

keith thomson:


+1 (251) 366-5355:

         Your not a Christian!?

keith thomson:

         No, sorry—in this context.

+1 (251) 366-5355:


         What are you in your faith

keith thomson:


+1 (251) 366-5355:

         What happened



         So you don’t believe there is a JESUS CHRIST?

keith thomson:

         I’d love it, if, for instance, Jesus came to me—or even texted me—and said, “Keith, it’s all true.” That would make things a lot easier.

+1 (251) 366-5355:

         He will come to you!

         I was talking to a guy from Huntsville. Didn’t really seem my type, he was a scientist and kinda nerdy. But then again, that’s attractive to me in my later years! Lol

         We talked a few times and I asked him one day and he said he didn’t believe in Heaven or hell

+1 (251) 366-5355:

         Is this because you lived in California

keith thomson:

Before California, I went to college in NYC and lived there for 10 years after. I knew a handful of religious Jews, but 90% of the people I knew were raised as Christians and, of them, I’m hard-pressed now to think of a single one who ever went to church.

         Just different worlds, I guess.

+1 (251) 366-5355:

         Oh Keith